Your Nervous System holds the signature of your entire life experience, and can be accessed effortlessly through the breath.

~Eleanor Mann
Founder of The School of Breathwork

I am Kashmira Divine.

A Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery Practitioner in training at The School of Breathwork, a Trauma Informed registered Yoga Instructor, a qualified Raw Food Chef, and Essential Oil Lover. In short I am passionate about all things Holistic Health and Wellness.

My journey with breathwork began in 2022 when I met my teacher and mentor Eleanor Mann at the lowest of low points in my life, and it created a ripple which has positively changed every facet of my being.

A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step. ~ Lao­tzu

Having developed postpartum depression after the birth of my daughter in 2020, I had spent two years in overwhelm, stress and finally complete freeze. Her birth had come with intentions to parent in a natural, aligned, conscious way, to be a chain breaker & change maker in my family line, and to live a life with her filled with love, light, laughter and joy.

Instead life threw curve balls, my past experiences found me triggered, and it was all I could do to keep my little darling fed and dressed. Each day it felt we drifted further and further from the life I had imagined, and it felt like I was watching the whole thing unfold with no power to change a thing. The pain on all levels was immense, and weighed me down heavily.

Then I found breathwork, or rather Breathwork found me. The shifts that unfolded after just a few sessions gave me the hope that had been missing, and within a month I knew that I would become a breathworker.

Over the 2 years since then, breathwork has gifted me the ability to gently unwind stored stresses in my body and nervous system, unwind past trauma, and reveal, release and resolve many patterns and beliefs that have held me back from my true potential.

My daughter and I now live happily on the Sunshine Coast in Australia, consciously co-creating the life that I had dreamed of. It feels that the sky is the limit thanks to this ever deepening relationship with my body and my breath.

It is my honour to say hello to you here, and to invite you to lean into the power of your breath to step into the truly divine life of your most meaningful intentions and desires.

Love Kashmira xx